An application based on a sport venue booking that is provided to facilitate booking data to ease communication between sport venue owner with users. User (customers) can easily get detail information and book the sport venue from the confort of their mobile phone or web without wasting time and/or money directly calling or coming to the sport venue just to book it or just to see if it is available. And for sport venue owner (merchant) to easily and efficiently market their sport venue they own to increase profit.
Information system that this application provided is so detail so that user can search for a specific sport venue devided by category such as sport type, closes to your location (city or venue name), facility that is available, indoor or outdoor, and even flooring material (synthetic/ carpet/etc).
Sport venue owner can register more than one field/arena and more than one sport field category that they own and can easily customize opening hour and price per hour. Don't forget that the application provide detail statistics on booking income so owner can minimize the work on making it manually.