Manage and control gas cylinders, complying with the relevant F-Gas Regulations.

Latest Version

May 22, 2023
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FGAS manager APP

FGASmanager has been developed to enable contractors and end-users to fully manage and control refrigerant, industrial gas and recovery cylinders supplied to them (on loan) from wholesalers and to comply with the European F-Gas Regulation 517/2014 and associated Hazardous Waste Regulations with regard to refrigerant recovery.

We have partnered with Beijer Ref UK & Ireland, the brands being Dean & Wood, HRP Limited, Refrigeration Wholesale Limited, and DWG in the Republic of Ireland.

This is the only platform where users can consolidate and manage their cylinders and F-Gas obligations across multiple brands, with multiple accounts. Users' access is provided free of charge under a client license held by Beijer Ref UK & Ireland. Users can purchase an annual premium license if required, where they can add and transact on 3rd party cylinders (i.e. cylinders not supplied by a Beijer Ref brand). This will enable total management in one place!

The FGASmanager app should be used in conjunction with the portal website for the best user experience.
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