Fetch Pet Insurance APP
When you download the Fetch Pet Insurance app, you'll be able to:
- EASILY SCAN DOCUMENTS TO FILE CLAIMS FASTER: Take pictures of invoices and medical records with multiple pages and upload them as one file.
- VIEW YOUR FULL CLAIMS HISTORY: See the details of all current and closed claims, so you can keep tabs on your invoices, medical records and when payments were sent.
- SEE EXACTLY HOW WE CALCULATE YOUR PAYOUT: For all approved claims, you can see a detailed breakdown of your payout (your Explanation of Benefits).
- TRACK YOUR DEDUCTIBLE PROGRESS: Your Explanation of Benefits also lets you track how much progress you've made toward your deductible.
- INTERACTIVE CHAT: Our chatbot is available 24/7 to answer your questions.
- GET PAID BACK 5-10 DAYS FASTER: Sign up for direct deposit. Payments are secure and there are no hidden fees.