Feroz ul Lughat APP
Feroz ul Lughat is Urdu to Urdu dictionary and is written by Alhaj Moulvi Ferozuddin. It consists of more than one hundred twenty five thousand words, idioms, phrases, foreign languages words (used in Urdu), scientific and technical terms and their grammatical use and references. This urdu lughat discuses every aspect of language, including vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and how words evolve over time. This is a reference book for students and linguists.
Feroz ul Lughat app is free and developed for new era. There is no disturbing ads while using modern dictionary and applied algorithm for quickest search. This is a user friendly, easy to use and works offline as well. Type first letter in right box and type second letter in second box, touch "Magnifier" icon and your desired page will open. Use "Close" icon to clear boxes. Enjoy and do not forget rating!