Fengshui Compass APP
🎁 Basic features:
✦ Customize compass with your definition
✦ Search a place via address name or latitude, longitude
✦ Locate your location via GPS, also navigate with magnetic compass
✦ Save and share your measured data (place, compass information...)
✦ Support material design with multiple app themes
✦ Support the following languages: English, Japanese, Vietnamese
🎁 Extras features for paid version:
✦ Locate or calculate direction at anywhere appears on Google maps.
✦ Show or hide ads
⚠️ Warning:
❋ To use compass for Android, your device must have magnetic sensor equipmented to read Earth magnetic field. If have not, you can upgrade to Pro version and measure with compass on Google maps.
❋ Some times, your magnetic sensor maybe not work well, you have to calibrate the device with 8-pattern (Google search for detail) manually.