Pre-schedule exams, access exam results and more.

Latest Version

Dec 6, 2024

App APKs

Femme Clientes APP

Femme is a laboratory dedicated exclusively to women's health, with over 40 years of experience, in which we highlight the prevention of Gynecological Cancer and Fetal Medicine. Our entire structure was carefully planned within the concept of specialized service, combining modern resources and more comfort for you.
We have a specialized medical team and highly qualified employees and
prepared for the specific care of women. This is reflected in the patients' satisfaction rates, in the credibility with the market and is proven through quality certificates.
We believe that only purpose makes the difference capable of uniting and adding. Therefore, we seek the real reason why we exist, which made us reflect that everything revolves around women, and our purpose is defined: Love for her.
We are focused on the accuracy of the diagnosis, but we also highlight the Femme Way of serving, in order to follow our principles and values.
From now on, we are available to serve you via the App, offering more convenience and practicality in your day-to-day, through the following features:
- Pre-scheduling exams;
- Access to your exam results;
- Service units;
- Agreements attended;
- More information about Femme;
- Sending doubts, compliments and suggestions;
- Satisfaction survey to improve our services more and more.
You can also have access to more information about Femme, through our other contact channels:
Facebook: Femme Laboratório
Instagram: @femmelab
Femme - Love for her
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