FEM Dati Meteo Trentino APP
The application offers public content that can be viewed freely and others reserved for registered users on the Mach Foundation portal.
The following are freely available to the public (without login):
1. instantaneous data of all stations managed by FEM (temperature, humidity, wind speed, rain today)
2. the hourly and daily data of all the parameters of the last 10 days for 6 stations distributed throughout the area: San Michele all'Adige, Cles, Trento Sud, Arco, Ala, Telve.
3. the RIMpro model for the stations of San Michele all'Adige, Cles, Arco, Telve.
4. general and specific forecast bulletins for agriculture prepared by Meteotrentino
By logging in, you can access additional content, available upon subscription to the technical consultancy and messaging service. For more information. http://www.fmach.it/CTT/Consulenza-tecnica/ACCESSO-ALLA-CONSULENZA-TECNICA
Help us improve the app! Write to meteo@fmach.it