Welcome to Lund service in a call in the street, traffic, park and nature!

Latest Version

Jun 3, 2023

App APKs

Felanmälan Lunds kommun APP

Welcome to the City of Lund service call within street, traffic, park and nature!
The application is a tool that enables you to affect your everyday life. Your call is sent to the municipality's technical management.
Once you register a fault, you can choose to receive a confirmation that the case has been registered.
With the app, you can take a photo or attach a picture and report faults on land owned by the municipality's technical management, such as:
• Holes in the street or on pedestrian and bicycle path
• Fallen trees / branches
• Faulty street lights
• Damaged gear on playground
• Etc..
Thank you for downloading this app and help us fix errors in our community!
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