Febrile Disease Diagnostic System

Latest Version

Aug 13, 2024
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Febra Diagnostica APP

Febra Diagnostica is software for the diagnosis and treatment of tropical febrile diseases. It is an outcome of extensive research by a group of physicians, nurses, community health workers and computer scientists from Canada, Nigeria United States of America, Uganda, and the United Kingdom under the sponsorship of the New Frontiers in Research, Canada. It is one of the first medical diagnosis applications that utilizes multi-criteria decision analysis model, based on the mining of experiential knowledge of physicians who are experts in the diagnosis of tropical diseases, and real-life patient data. It is also the first to integrate the patient’s medical and non-medical risk factors in the diagnosis of tropical febrile diseases.

Febra Diagnositica has a powerful, but simple user interface to enable usage by frontline health workers and other younger physicians. While automating the diagnosis and treatment processes, it empowers the user to make the final diagnosis/treatment decision. It also automates the referral and further investigation process.

This system will ultimately revolutionize access to healthcare for people living in resource-scarce settings in low-to-middle income countries and travel clinics in developed countries.
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