FDOT Toll Calculator APP
The Turnpike maintains many of the toll roads in Florida. To assist users in finding a specific toll road, the FDOT Toll Calculator is divided into geographic regions. Within each region, the Turnpike toll roads are listed or displayed individually.
The FDOT Toll Calculator provides flexibility to users on how the tolls are displayed. For example, on the home screen users can set their number of axles and preferred payment method. Therefore, tolls displayed within the app will always be customized to the user.
For additional information on how the FDOT Toll Calculator works, Turnpike toll roads, vehicle type descriptions, payment methods, and Turnpike service plazas please select About from the main menu.
PLEASE DON’T DRIVE DISTRACTED. Please do not attempt to use the FDOT Toll Calculator mobile app while driving. Plan your trip ahead, or wait for a rest stop to access this app.