Add questions from pdf, images or camera and create exams or tests

Latest Version

Aug 16, 2024

Fast Test - Test Builder APP

You can create tests or exams by transferring ready-made test questions to the application and selecting the questions you want. You can transfer the test questions to the application via pictures or by taking a photo with the device camera. You can edit the image by cropping the question while adding exam or test questions. You can transfer test or exam questions to the application via pdf documents. After selecting the document containing the test or exam questions, you can move between the pages and select the questions on the pages you want. You can mark the correct answer for test or exam questions. Tests containing questions can be stored in the device's storage or in external storage such as Google Drive. You can save exam or test questions in separate files based on subject. For exams, you can create a new test and add new questions to the test. If you want, you can also choose the exam questions from the test questions you have previously created.

You can transfer exam or test questions to the document whenever you want, using different booklet types. When creating different types of booklets, questions are automatically distributed among themselves. Answer keys for different booklets of the exams are automatically generated. The application automatically places the exam questions on the page in line with the questions. If you want, you can add optical forms to the end of the test or exam document. You can create standard title templates for exams.

If you pay, you can create an unlimited number of documents without any restrictions during the subscription period. When the application is installed for the first time, it gives you the right to add 100 questions and create and read 50 documents. When your rights expire, you can continue your transactions by waiting or watching ads.
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