Farmi APP
Agricultural weather: our ambition is to bring a reliable weather, which facilitate the decision-making, with an optimized ergonomic design for a use in the field.
- Personalize your weather information according to geographic situation of your parcel of land
- Anticipate and plan your sprayings thanks to 6-days forecasts.
- Choose among 7 types of interventions on agricultural plot to check the optimal meteorological conditions of your interventions and find the relevant moment to act
Rain radar: don't be caught out by the rain. Authentic work tool on the field, our rain radar allows you to visualize the passage of showers on your parcels of land with a projection of 3 hours. With Farmi, enjoy the recommendation of treatments strategically!
News: all the agricultural news in one application.
The agricultural information is available for you thanks to a centralized flow of different news stories of farming world.
Sites and Soufflet Agro contacts: don’t waste your time anymore!
More than a simple map, you have in your pocket the location of the closest silos near to you as well as the opening hours and their contact details. For a simple and brief contact, a user-friendly interface gives you access to phone or mail, so you don't have to re-enter this information.
- A daily market note (not sure that we have it internationally) – the fundamentals of markets in your pocket everyday
Instead of a long note, we have chosen to provide quick and efficient information about the fundamentals of markets to give you all the key for decision-making.
- Consultation of quotations – Follow the evolution of quotations without changing application
Gain time thanks to the Euronext and Chicago (CBOT) consultations directly on Farmi. Dynamic charts complete your information.
- Physical quotations (not sure that we have it internationally)- quotations by Soufflet Group market experts as close as possible to the price of your crops.
- Online contractualization (for Czech Republic and Romania only for now): Farmi allows the Soufflet Agro clients to consult grain and oilseed offers and to place contracts directly from the application, in total security. For species listed on Euronext, these offers are updated every 15 minutes.
Farmi gives you the freedom to sell at the right time!
- My collect (normally not internationally)- Track your deliveries and manage the marketing of your crops!
With Farmi, immediately, you can take stock of contracted volumes, your deliveries and their valuation.
- Settlements (normally not internationally)- It's even easier to settle your Euronext contracts.
MY SPACE (dedicated to farmers who are Soufflet Agro customers)
- My accounts - Manage your accounts masterfully!
Access your accounts wherever you are. Find all your sales and purchasing movements with associated invoice numbers and related deadlines quickly.
- My supplies - Manage your supplies in real time!
View ordered products during the current sales campaign and track the progress of your orders. With Farmi, evaluate your supplies is a breeze.
AGRO PILOT (empty feature internationally for now so to decide if relevant)
- Soufflet Agro's agronomic expertise in the form of Decision-Making Tools to support you daily. Intended to develop over time, this section already includes three DMTs to help you choose your plant cover, soft wheat varieties and specialty fertilizers according to your agronomic constraints and goals.
We welcome your comments and questions, so don't hesitate to let us know! You can contact us by e-mail at