FAQ - Android - POGU APP
FAQ - Android - POGU - is an application that will help beginners get started with a phone-based operating system Android.
It contains answers to the most frequently asked questions. All tips are categorized.
You can also create, delete bookmarks. Search for available materials. In addition there are two display modes: day and night.
The application includes the usual flipping, giving the effect of reading the book.
- Search
- Bookmarks
- Day and night modes
- The effect of paging
- Adjust the size, font color for both modes
- No request Internet
- No ads
Material has been prepared and is taken from the site smartlip.com
Thanks for the help: Banderstadt
IDris a.k.a. MANsur, Ghost-Unit.
MoonLight Style. POGU.
Help, Faq, Kettle, Beginners, Novice. Answers, Questions, Tips, Problems, Handbook