1) The Project was built using:
- Unity3D 2019.1.14 version
- ARCore 1.11
2) Support.
Support is TOP priority for this and series of other Paparmali projects. If you find any bug/weird behavior of the app – let us know and we will fix it as soon as possible. If Unity3D versions evolved and for some reason the project doesn’t work properly anymore – let us know and we will provide the fix to work on the newest Unity3D version.
3) AR solution purpose.
This project is a perfect AR Face Tracking solution to augment:
- 3D Masks/Glasses/Hats (45 different models available within the app)
- 2D Face Filters (5 filters)
- Camera Effects (21 effects)
The project can be easily expanded and new models, filters and effects added/removed/changed.
We already have a successful worked on Jewerly AR application based on this project for earrings and necklaces augmentation, but it is not limited to it.
4) Plans for the future update.
- Integrate ARFoundation + ARCore and ARKit, so that iOS platform would be supported as well.
- Face filter expansion
- Add earrings augmentation
- Add necklaces augmentation