Fabryka Norblina APP
Within the office, the application enables:
- Virtual access to the office through a virtual card,
- Virtual reception module enabling the scheduling of visits along with the process of parking space reservation, planning access to the building and adding appointments to the calendar
- Sharing resources within a building with reservations recorded in the calendar
- Delivery area reservation
- Managing the process of reporting defects and their repair, along with the ability to evaluate the quality of performed repairs
Visitors of Norblin Factory will have at their disposal:
- A market place module to purchase tickets to events and food offered by our Food Hall
- Visiting the interactive Museum of Norblin Factory
- Participation in competitions, where the Norblin Factory will give away free tickets to movies, concerts and other events
- Complete information about the offers of galleries, pop-up stores and other concepts
- 2 hours of free parking when paying with the application
.. and much more.
If you have additional suggestions, be sure to contact us. Write an email to contact aplikacja@fabrykanorblina.pl.