Application for the project of Norblin Factory in Warsaw

Latest Version

Sep 19, 2022

App APKs

Fabryka Norblina APP

The application offers unique functionalities for both office tenants and their employees as well as visitors to the Norblin Factory.

Within the office, the application enables:
- Virtual access to the office through a virtual card,
- Virtual reception module enabling the scheduling of visits along with the process of parking space reservation, planning access to the building and adding appointments to the calendar
- Sharing resources within a building with reservations recorded in the calendar
- Delivery area reservation
- Managing the process of reporting defects and their repair, along with the ability to evaluate the quality of performed repairs

Visitors of Norblin Factory will have at their disposal:
- A market place module to purchase tickets to events and food offered by our Food Hall
- Visiting the interactive Museum of Norblin Factory
- Participation in competitions, where the Norblin Factory will give away free tickets to movies, concerts and other events
- Complete information about the offers of galleries, pop-up stores and other concepts
- 2 hours of free parking when paying with the application

.. and much more.

If you have additional suggestions, be sure to contact us. Write an email to contact
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