My Courses: This section gives an overview of course structure of the course in which student is enrolled.
My Marksheet: This section shows the student module -wise marks scored by him / her in internal as well as external assessments.
My Calendar: Student can create a calendar of important events like an impending assessment, Holidays, chalk talk, project submissions, seminar etc.
My Feedback: Module wise feedback about the training experience can be provided through this section
Exam schedule: Displays module wise examination schedule
My certificate: After the successful final assessment, a snapshot of the LMS generated certificate can be seen from this section.
My Queries: In case of any query, student can send a query through this application and whenever a response to the query is generated by Centre admin, same can be viewed from this section.
Fee Schedule: Assessment Fee status can be checked through this section.
Learning studio: This section will give access of learning videos uploaded by LMS Admin for learners.
F-TEC Portfolio: This section leads student to F-TEC’s social media links. It also displays a list of active F-TEC centres and various courses offered by F-TEC.