Ezybill App is an Android app Subscription Management System offered by "ITP Software India Pvt Ltd" , which helps to foster the service level and efficiency of MSO's prevailing business trends for Digital Head ends and ISPs.
Our Application gives flexibility to the user to perform all the major tasks that can be performed on desktop based application.
Application Features:
1) Dashboard: All your business at a glance. You can get the Count of active customers, de-active customers, total complaints, closed complaints, current month bill, due amount, total STBs, assigned STBs etc.
2) New Customer Creation: You can create a new customer by assigning a new Set-top-box and packages. You can also take customer's ID information like photos, signature and longitude-latitude details.
3) Customer Operations: Here you can perform operations for a particular customer like make payment, box operations, package operations or complaint management.
4) Package Operations: Activation or Deactivation of a Package (Product) can be performed.
5) Box Operations: Can Activate or Deactivate the STB (Box).
6) Complaint Management: Can either View, Create, Update or Close complaints of a customer.
7) User Profile: The user can change his password preferences.
***Note: This is not a general application for everyone. Only a client associated with '" ITP Software India Pvt Ltd " - can use this app. Our clients can download this app freely, but in order to use this app, they have to contact us.
Contact Details:
Customer Care: 040-6451-4789
Technical Support: 040-6453-0456
Enquirers: 040-2355-4578
Email: care@itpworld.com
Website: www.itpworld.com