Exatest Arithmetic Speed Drill GAME
☆ Have you ever wanted to improve your mental arithmetic speed? ☆
Attempting this speed drill daily will surely help you achieve your goal!
This app gives you 120 seconds to complete as many mental math problems as possible.
When the timer is up your score will be saved to a chart to track your progression
Challenge your friends using Daily mode
The Daily Challenge provides the exact same mental arithmetic questions globally across both Android and iOS Exatest players each day. This mode is available to play once per day and scores can be shared with a friend. Find out who can get the highest scores!
Watch as you improve day to day!
This app is also useful for an upcoming trading interview. Being able to solve mental arithmetic questions on the spot can be practiced and speed can be trained.
Special thanks to Six By Nine Apps, Fraction Flipper and Casio for advice and testing.