Eversafe Academy APP
· Life-long learning
· Finding courses to enhance your skills,
· Career planning,
· Skills upgrading,
· News/updates related to new/changes in regulations on workplace safety,
· Browsing bite-sized articles related to safety on the go,
· Assessing an e-library with e-books, articles & industry best practices, etc..
Our APP features are :
What Next in Your Safety Career - We listed all our course details under the related category wise. Easy to navigate with more details.
Help a Friend - You can refer our EVERSAFE app to your friend who is looking for safety courses in Singapore.
Rewards - We offer points as rewards to our app users and using these points users may claim their free gifts from EVERSAFE.
Lower Levy - Exclusive listing of courses based on basic skills and six years of experience in construction.
Safety News - We regularly update our app users with the latest and most useful safety news.
Results - User can view their certificate and scan it.
E-Library - Listing of articles by category.
Games - Few Safety games are provided to improve the safety skill of our app users. These games are really useful to improve your dynamic skills and quick response to safety needs. We encourage our app users to regularly play these games to improve their skills as well as their points to get free gifts from Eversafe.
Softskills - Multi-language supported information. We help to fix language issues in the working environment by providing more regularly using words in their languages.
Health - You can check your Body Mass Index (BMI) with our Eversafe Academy app.
Journal - Eversafe Academy has a broad vision to educate its students in every possible way. We have created this journal to spotlight the features & highlights of Eversafe Academy.
Every month you can expect:
· Fascinating trends, news, and studies that you might have missed about Eversafe.
· Interesting facts that will ignite your thought process.
· Health Tips, Puzzles, Motivational Stories, etc.,
· EA - Testimonials, Upcoming Events & Courses
Help - You can contact EVERSAFE Academy.
Eversafe is always excited to hear from you! If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please email Eversafe at: it@eversafe.com.sg
or follow Eversafe on
Eversafe Twitter: https://twitter.com/DigitalEver
Eversafe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Eversafe-Academy-Pte-Ltd-928759090619504/
Eversafe LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eversafe-academy-346220166/