Europastry APP
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🗸 Pay for your orders quickly and securely with Apple Pay, Google Pay and Bizum
🗸 Know the characteristics, nutrients and ingredients of all the products
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🗸 Compare products and get suggestions for items similar to those of your interest
🗸 Download the technical sheet of all products
🗸 Check your purchase history and repeat an order in just a few clicks
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🗸 And enjoy all the exclusive promotions and discounts for our online customers
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About Europastry
Europastry is an international company with a start-up mentality. At our core, we are bakers ready to transform baking as we know it. Respecting and honoring the tradition of artisanal baking is, along with our curious spirit and our relentless pursuit of innovation, the basis of all our work. Currently, Europastry is present in more than 80 countries, through our more than 5,000 Bakers, 22 production plants and 33 sales offices.
We are bakers!
Contact: at Europastry we work every day to improve our services. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact us by writing an email to or calling 900.118.888.
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