eTraffic APP
- My Traffic Record
- View Driving Licenses, Vehicle and Plate Numbers Ownerships
- Update Contact Details
- Quick Services which include:
1. Payment of Traffic Contraventions
2. Vehicle Registration Renewal
3. License Registration Renewal
4. Discount of Vehicle Registration Renewal Fees
- Traffic Accidents Services which include:
1. Report Traffic Accidents
2. Traffic Accident Acknowledgment
3. View Reported Traffic Accidents
4. Insurance Companies Locator
- Speed Cameras Locator
- Traffic and Inspection Centers Locator
- Vehicle Authorization for King Fahad Causeway which includes:
1. Issuance of Vehicle Authorization
2. Manage Issued Vehicle Authorizations
3. Authorization Validity Verification
- King Fahad Causeway Insurance
- Fuel Services which include:
1. Fuel Stations Locator
2. Fuel Enquiry
- Related Services which include a bundle of services related to the app.