Ethanol E85 Stations APP
Prices are updated every 2 hours.
It is also possible to search for your destination city in order to see the stations that will be available when you arrive.
New route feature to find the best station on your route.
▶︎ Features
★ View all ethanol stations on a map
★ Get the list of nearest E85 stations
★ Consult the services provided by the resort
★ Know the distance that separates you from the station
★ Launch the route to get to a station
▶︎ To know
E85 or "super ethanol" is an alternative fuel composed of 65 to 85% ethanol and 15 to 35% unleaded gasoline, the proportions fluctuating according to the season. It is an agrofuel, ethanol being produced by transforming materials from agriculture: mainly rapeseed, beets, cereals and organic residues.
This fuel has the advantage of being much less emitting carbon dioxide of fossil origin. The CO2 released during combustion comes mainly from plants that have captured it during their growth. This “surface” carbon dioxide therefore has a limited impact.
▶︎ Main suppliers
★ Agip
★ Atac
★ Auchan
★ Aviation
★ Bp
★ Crossroads
★ Elan
★ Esso
★ Intermarket
★ Leclerc
★ Shell
★ U-system
The application is simple and effective... You launch the app, locate your gas station and that's it!
If you have specific questions or remarks, do not hesitate to contact us.