Scan the barcode of your COUPON and know your prize instantly

Latest Version

Oct 30, 2024

App APKs

Escaner de Cupones APP

Check the results and the winning numbers of all the ONCE draws. The application incorporates a barcode reader so you will be able to know if your coupon is awarded quickly and very intuitively. This function is available for the daily coupon, weekend coupon, Friday coupon and Extraordinary draws such as the 11th of 11th, Christmas Extra or the Father / Mother Extra draws.

New functions: We have listened and introduced the most requested suggestions by our users:

To check your prizes you just have to press the "Scan code" button on the main screen. This will open the barcode scanner. Place the red line on the lower barcode of the coupon and the application will do the rest. If you have any questions you can write an email to

We have incorporated a new functionality that allows collecting the information of the receipts issued by the vendors' machine (POS). No other application incorporates this improvement.

Through the alert system you can choose if you want to receive a notification each time a draw is held.

Custom notifications.
Now you can scan the coupon when buying it and the app will notify you as soon as the result of the draw is known so you can check it.

Share prize.
You will be able to share the information of your receipts with your WhatsApp contacts. Very useful if you play your ONCE coupons halfway.

Save frequent combinations.
No more having to add your favorite combination every time you want to check it. Add it once and save it as a favorite. You can load it just by pressing a button.

Legal notice.
This application is an NOT official, independent tool without any relationship with ONCE (National Organization of the Spanish Blind) or its foundation. The Coupon Scanner application is a personal project created with the sole purpose of serving as an informative tool, for this it uses the results available on the JuegosONCE website ( to perform the checks. For all this, use this application only as a consultation, knowing that ONCE through its official lists and vendors are the only official way to validate and make the payment of the prizes.

We await your suggestions.

If you have any kind of problem or just want to make a recommendation or suggestion, we will be happy to hear from you. Write to us at
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