Asegure que viaja autobús escolar de sus hijos, el uso de esta aplicación de seguimiento en vivo.

Última Versión

10 oct. 2018
Google Play ID

App APKs

Where's The Bus APP

If your kid has a mobile phone, you can track directly using our new app, Kid Finder

A Urgent and Important Note:

This app is for, if you are not here for that then you are on the wrong app.

Description :

Tired of waiting on the bus stop for school bus?.
How about getting real time updates of the bus on your phone?.

Where's The Bus is here to free your worries.
This App provides you notification for events which mean a lot to you.

You get notifications when:-
1) Bus is about to start for journey.
2) Bus starts.
3) Bus comes nearby you.
4) Bus reaches the destination.

Moreover you can see live location of the bus on map when its in journey, see driver details and lot more.

Please note:-
1) To use this App you must confirm with kid's school whether they use Where's The Bus for their school buses.
2) To login into the app use the email you have provided to school.
3) For first time login you need to set password from link provided in app.

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