Floating Keyboard Switcher is the one and only way to switch keyboards.

Última Versión

19 feb. 2016

App APKs

Floating Keyboard Switcher APP

Switch between keyboards anywhere anytime!
Floating Keyboard Switcher lets you switch between keyboards in any screen quickly. No matter what keyboards you use, now you can use the same easy simple one stroke motion to switch between them.

If you are annoyed at how hard it is to switch between keyboards in Android or a user who constantly type in different languages, then this is the app for you.

- Simple one swipe motion to switch keyboards
- Action bar is adjustable for both left and right handed users
- Can run on boot so you don't have to run the app every time you boot.
- Works universally across apps, home screens, launchers.
- Supports any and all keyboards (swiftkey, swype, gokeyboard). You can now use the best keyboard in the world for your specific needs without having sacrificing functionality for switching speed.

Pro Version Specific Feature:
- Lets you cycle backwards and forwards through the keyboard selection instead of just bring up the menu
- No longer a foreground service so no more notification bar icons
- Allow you to reorder keyboard cycling order
- Allow you to only cycle through a subset of enabled keyboards
- Smart Switching - iPhone like keyboard switching in Android. Intelligently detects and switches back to your previous keyboard if required

For further help and support, please join the Floating Keyboard Switcher community https://plus.google.com/communities/115124032586195058075

Pro version available here:

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