Denny® Timer es una aplicación divertida e instructiva para los niños para lavarse los dientes!

Última Versión

13 ene. 2017
Google Play ID

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Denny Timer APP

Denny® Timer is a visually instructive, animated timer that teaches children how to brush their teeth properly and thoroughly during the recommended 2-minute time. Denny® Timer also makes brushing teeth more fun!

• You can select a regular or electronic tooth brush.
• Denny and animations guide you during brushing teeth – a proper, careful brushing keeps your teeth healthy!
• You can set Denny® Timer to remind you to brush your teeth at the desired time in the morning and evening – Denny is a handy helper for the daily routine!

Denny® Timer has been developed in co-operation with dental health experts. Our research results highlight that 90% of children, who use Denny® Timer, learnt to brush their teeth better, longer and more carefully!
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