Quick and easy mobile invoice and document submission

Última Versión

7 feb. 2023
Google Play ID

App APKs

Care Concept InvoiceApp APP

Advantages at a glance:
- Mobile submission of bills, receipts and invoices – anytime, anywhere
- No costs for postage
- Submission in just a few steps and speedy processing
- No separate registration required
- Available in German, English and Chinese
Functions of the app in detail
Care Concept AG customers can use the InvoiceApp to scan bills, receipts and other documents
quickly and easily with their cell phone or tablet and submit them immediately. Receipts and bills
include doctor’s and hospital invoices or pharmacy receipts. Other documents include self-disclosure
forms, confidentiality waivers, proof of entry into a country or cost estimates.
No separate registration is necessary. The login process is simple and secure with entry of the policy
number and personal details. The documents can be scanned in a few seconds with the camera of the
the iPhone or iPad and edited, if necessary. Once all pages have been captured, the documents are
transmitted to Care Concept AG in encrypted format. Customers can select in the app whether the
benefits stipulated in the policy should be paid directly to the biller or to another account.
Questions can be answered by our Customer Service team at +49 228 97735-44 or by email:
Please do not submit the documents again via email or regular mail. The app cannot be used for
group policies.
Más información
