DM Notes
Create DM notes, add maps and images and quick links to monsters. Notes also allow you to create Random Tables that add rolled encounters to combat.
Combat Tracker
Easily tracks PC and Monsters health and initiative. The combat tracker allows you to quickly view monsters stats and roll attack and damage dice.
Offers a quick look up allowing you to search for anything from the compendium by name.
Run combat by loading images as a battle map. Add PC and Monster tokens and quickly assign AOE damage with Dice Nodes.
XML and Dropbox Support
Import and export compendiums or campaign notes via XML. Also supports FightClub PC xmls
In-App Purchase
The App is free to download but you are limited to 3 campaigns with 3 adventures each.
In-App purchases unlock additional features and perks.
*The app only comes with open 5e content and you will need to import or add additional content.