ENGELmagazin APP
The angel magazine is made with love and inspiration of the angels for people who see the world with the heart and believe in the love and the power of the soul.
The magazine contains spiritual help from world renowned authors and spiritual teachers, daily angel messages, vegan cooking recipes, inspirational content for people who are looking for meaning or who like to learn about old and new ways of life, psychology and spirituality.
The ENGEL Magazine: For more light and joy in your life!
The magazine in the digital edition is published every two months and accompanies readers on their journey into their innermost, discovering their guardian angel or in the search for happiness.
The app offers an unusually high reading comfort thanks to the many additional functions: You can easily download the magazine on tablet and smartphone and experience it digitally, where you would like to enjoy it right now. The text size is adjusted for a comfortable reading comfort. Thanks to the practical full-text search, you will quickly and reliably find the reportages, interviews and texts that really inspire you in every issue of the ENGEL magazine. Browse through the digital ENGEL magazine and bookmark so you can quickly rediscover the pages you've particularly touched, comforted, inspired or encouraged.