Enegan APP
How to use the app Enegan:
If you are a returning customer Enegan area customers online, using your customer number and password to also access the application.
If you are not registered yet, just go to the site and enegan.it please have send their customer number and other infusion-related data to your supply.
Learn what you can do with the app Enegan:
-Autolettura: Please self-reading of your meter
-Show Your bills and download them in pdf format
-Open A message if you need to communicate with us and follow the status of your requests in real time
-You Can view the graphs relating to your electricity last year
-Learn How much CO2 you've saved thanks to the supply of 100% green Enegan
-In Section Save the Planet discover the greens of Enegan projects, especially click on greeApes and connect your account with an account greenApes, social netwrok of sustainability that rewards green ideas and actions, such as the choice of energy 100% green!
-Visit The section News Follow us on social and to keep updated on Enegan world
-Do You want to call us? In the Contacts section you will find all of our toll-free numbers