Emyat: ПДД Узбекистан YHQ 2025 APP
Imtihon - ogohlantiruvchi belgilar
- Do you want to prepare for the traffic rules exam and successfully pass the theoretical exam? Our application will help you prepare and pass the exam and get a driver's license.
- This application is available in Uzbek and Russian languages.
- All new tickets.
- New questions are added in every update.
- Ability to learn quickly using the algorithms in this program.
- High quality images.
- The tests are like a real exam.
- Ability to save tickets that you may need in the future.
- Learning results and achievement statistics.
- Algorithm for working on your mistakes.
- Prepare for your driving test now!
- Yo'l harakati qoidalari imtihoniga tayyorgarlik ko'rishni va nazariy imtihonni muvaffaqiyatli topshirishni xohlaysizmi? "Yo'l harakati qoidalari O'zbekiston 2023" ilovasi imtihonga tayyorgarlik ko‘rish va uni topshirishda yordam beradi.
- Ushbu ilova oʻzbek va rus tillarida mavjud.
- Hammasi 1000 ta chipta.
- Har bir yangilanishda yangi savollar qo'shiladi.
- Ushbu dasturdagi algoritmlardan foydalangan holda tez o'rganish qobiliyati.
- Testlar haqiqiy imtihonga o'xshaydi.
- Yuqori sifatli tasvirlar.
- Kelajakda kerak bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan biletlarni saqlash imkoniyati.
- O'quv natijalari va yutuqlar statistikasi.
- Xatolaringiz ustida ishlash algoritmi.
- Haydovchilik imtihoniga hozir tayyorlaning!
Privacy Policy https://idivio-studio.com/privacy_policy_en_fr/privacy-policy/
Important note: When compiling the tests, we consulted with the legislation of Uzbekistan in the field of traffic rules, and also studied the law presented on the website https://yhxx.uz/oz to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the tests.
Please note that our application is not affiliated with any government agency, this application is a product of independent developers and is not affiliated with any government entity. Its sole purpose is to provide information and convenience to users.