Embroidery Viewer Pro APP
Open embroidery designs from multiple formats, .100, .10O, .BRO, .COL, .CSV, .DAT, .DSB, .DSZ, .DST, .EMD, .EMM, .EXP, .EXY, .FXY, .GT, .INB, .INF, .JEF, .JPX, .KSM, .MAX, .MIT, .NEW, .PCD,.PCM, .PCQ, .PCS, .PEC, .PES, .PHB, .PHC,.PMV, .SEW, .SHV, .STC, .STX, .SVG, .TAP, .TBF, .U01, .VP3, .XXX, and .ZXY
View designs, their properties/details and experiment with different colors, and share the resulting files in multiple formats (.CSV, .DST, .EMM, .EXP, .JEF, .PCS, .PEC, .PES, .U01, .VP3, .XXX).
Suggestions and bug reports are welcome.
Report issues to https://github.com/Embroidermodder/MobileViewer/issues.
We have plans for enhancements, but would appreciate your help in guiding this app to be as useful as possible.