Through the application of ELSS APP, shops can publish their offers , services and reaching to all individuals who are used the application, and allowing for individuals to access to the best places for their marketing needs . Through this, the benefit of the consumer to save time, effort ,money and change the old name of the word discount or offer, which it became worthless in the minds of customers to the true meaning of these meanings through the ELSS APP.
A – Services of costumers which they represent :
1 – Identifying customers in goods and services provided by ELSS APP
2 – Getting on real discounts when you subscribe to ELSS APP
3 - Sending feedback and comments through ISS APP regarding all new, latest offers, services and places of presence.
4 - Sending notices and alerts when contracting with any new shop or increase the discount rate at any shop or company of their contractors.
5 -Easy access to the user's shops by the map which is available on the application.