Elios 4 GdF APP
The latest news from Elios Suite is the new App dedicated to online consultation of medical reports, online booking and other services that will be made available in the near future.
In a few simple steps, the patient can view the results of the tests directly from his mobile phone, and send them to his GP. To collect the reports through the App, it is necessary to have a username and password, which are issued by the medical center where the exams took place.
Elios Suite | Medical center app allows you to:
• Download reports (blood tests, x-rays, magnetic resonances, etc.) on your smartphone, by entering a username and password, issued by the medical center;
• Send the results of the tests to your doctor, simply, quickly and with the utmost confidentiality;
• Create a virtual archive to always carry with you and consult in total autonomy.
With Elios Suite | Medical Center App you will get the following benefits:
• Time savings. You will no longer have to physically go to the hospital to collect the reports;
• Consultation speed: submit to your doctor the results you've been waiting for, in an easy and intuitive way. A few steps will be enough to send the reports from the App directly to the specialist's PC;
• Confidentiality. The results of your exams are protected by the privacy legislation.
The App is free, easy to use and useful: download it now!