eLens APP
1- Card
2- Meter
3- Text
4- Object
After choosing the type next image has to be uploaded. On clicking the "Upload Image"option a popup will be shown with following options,
1- Take Photo
2- Choose from Gallery
On clicking "Take Photos" camera will be opened and you need to click a snap of thing which you want to analyse.
On clicking "Choose from Gallery" all the images from your mobile will be shown where you need to choose one image.
After Choosing/Taking Photo the preview of the image will be shown in the "Preview" box.
On completion of the above mentioned steps there will be button visible on the bottom right corner of the screen.
On clicking that button image will be analysed and the resultant will be shown below the preview box.
If the selected image type is Card/Meter/Text, the resultant will be a decoded text & if the selected image type is Object, an image will be shown.
Note: The normal response time of the image analysis is 15 seconds, there will be a timer shown in the loading screen.
If the time limit exceeds 15 seconds you can cancel the request by clicking the "Cancel Request" button in the loading screen.