EL tools APP
1. Calculate your HPSEBL bills amount.
2. Calculate new connection security amount.
3. Pay your Bills.
4. Register complaint directly to Electricity Department.
5. Check Complaint Status any time any where.
6. Calculate your monthly energy consumption.
7. Download new connection form and tariffs.
8. Register Mobile Number to get regular update from HPSEBL.
9. Get Power Cut Information.
10. 24x7 Live Chat Support Help.
This (EL Tools App) is not an official app of HPSEBL. This app uses tariffs from HPSEBL website to calculate electricity bills. This App contains web links of official website of Himachal Pradesh Electricity Board where user can register complaints and check status of complaints online. All the web links available in this app are belongs to their respective owners only. It is hereby strongly disclaimed that we shall under no circumstance be liable for any discrepancy in calculated bill amount through application and actual bills served by HPSEBL because all calculations are only estimation purpose only.
Note:- Names and Images are brand names and registered trademarks of respective entities.
Use of them in this app does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by the entity.
Their use in the app are solely meant for information of services provided by them.
Source of Information:-
This App provides data from HPSEBL's website.
1. Pay Bills:- https://www.hpseb.in/OnlinePayment/index.html
2. Register Complaint :- https://www.hpseb.in/webdynpro/resources/demo.sap.com/hpcmplnreg/ComplainRegApp#
3. Complaint Status:- https://www.hpseb.in/webdynpro/resources/demo.sap.com/hpsebdoclist/HpsebDocListApp#
4. Power Cut Info:- https://www.hpseb.in/irj/go/km/docs/internet/New_Website/Pages/ehvshutdown.html
5 Download Forms:- https://www.hpseb.in/irj/go/km/docs/internet/New_Website/Pages/citizeninterface.htm