EISdigital.com APP
Login credentials are provided by your Coaching Institute. It does not allow public registration. This app is free with ERP subscription. The user registration is done by Institute's Backoffice Team.
What is EISdigital.com ?
ERP + LMS + Live Classes = EISdigital.com
EISdigital is Best Coaching Management Software. Its an All-IN-ONE integrated solution helps you to MANAGE, ANALYZE and GROW your Institute. It streamlines information management and align for better and faster decision making.
EISdigital Mobile App provides one touch access to Institute Services hosted under eisdigital.com. It has great utility features for : STUDENT, COUNSELOR, ADMIN, EMPLOYEE, CLIENT and MANAGER roles.
The app also helps in customer-engagement using quick notification message for various services like payment notification, batch schedule notification and public announcement etc. Kindly check detailed feature summary below.
- Mobile Enquiry on Tablet/Phone, no paper required
- Sync Enquiry to EISDigital.com cloud server
- Delete, Edit, and Search Enquiry
- Enquiry Followup Management
- Capture Student Profile Pic, no webcam required
- File Download Center(Assignment, Reference Study Material, eBooks)
- Payments Detail
- Study material/links/blog
- Course Subscription
- Batch Schedule
- Attendance
- Apply for leave (leave application)
- Message Inbox
- News and Events
- Online Test with Revision Support
- Test Result for Offline(with subject wise) and Online both
- Share Result using WhatsApp, Email
- KPI and Reports
- Daily enquiry and registration summary
- Daily fees collection summary
- Prediction for next day(expected income)
- Employee activity statistics
- Enquiry and Followup Management
- Student Management
- Message Inbox
- Realtime Attendance Inbox (addon)
- Daily Status Report (Work Sheet)
- Multiple branch integrated reports
- Branch wise reports
- SMS Delivery Report
- Attendance Management (Mark - Lecture wise and Batch Wise)
and more.
- Check Batch Schedule
- Mark Student Attendance
- Apply for leave and check leave list
- Upload files for student(batch wise and multi-branch)
- Mark Student Attendance
- Check Batch Schedule
- Upload files in multiple branches
- Enquiry and Followup Management
- Some features from Admin and Counselor role.
- Student Management(list, edit, search, capture pic, change status)
- Check fees detail
- SMS Delivery Report
- Apply for leave and check leave list
- Few Reports