eINAGA Expedientes APP
As part of the implementation of eGovernment in INAGA, it has been considered the interest in having mobility tools to promote citizen participation and transparency, allowing approximate the administrative process to citizens and facilitate electronic participation in the proceedings.
The application "Records eINAGA" aims to facilitate access to the general public to information related to records filed INAGA, allowing mapping from location records, access to public documents thereof.
In this sense, it includes the following options:
Public Participation:
Displays the location of files that are pending in INAGA in the phases of "public information" or "public announcement".
It allows consultation of basic information such records and links to the Web application that manages INAGA performing the procedures for public exposure and public announcement online.
Public resolutions:
Accesses the resolutions of completed files in INAGA and are considered public. To do so, after locating them through the viewfinder SIG, link to the Web application from which you can view and download the corresponding to the termination of that administrative record document.
Data is from 2014 and is presented in the application last year, after being able to filter between dates and types of records.
This project has been funded by FEDER