Mobile version of the eduSky application.

Latest Version

Oct 25, 2024
Google Play ID

App APKs

eduSky APP

Mobile version of the eduSky application. The app supports teacher, student, and parent views.
After logging in to the Mobile Application, the teacher/lector can:
1. Performing operations in classes (moving, canceling)
2. Completing classes, presence, content and homework (or lack thereof), adding grades
3. Sending messages to the group
4. View groups and group statistics
5. Calendar preview.

Student and parent have access to views:
1. Preview upcoming classes and calendar
2. View groups and learning progress
3. Information about the signed contract - the status of the contract, the ability to download the document
4. Preview billing information in the contract, upcoming payments
5. Previews of e-mails and text messages sent from the system by school employees.
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