The idea is to promote sustainable cities, creating an intelligent learning environment supported by the EduCITY app. This app gives access to educational games with attractive interdisciplinary challenges, as they integrate multimedia resources in AR, such as simulations based on data from environmental sensors, 3D animations, informative spots, among others. The games are developed with the aim of being explored by citizens, of all ages, on walks around the city, being co-created by the school, academic and general community, through an open web platform ( pt/admingames/index.php). This innovative pedagogy uses familiar technology (mobile devices) to “learn by doing”, in which AR games allow environmental awareness in the city – a living laboratory of experimentation – where citizens are “active scientists” and agents of sustainable changes, in a logic of citizen science.
The EduCITY app was developed under the project “EduCITY – Smart and sustainable cities with mobile educational games in Augmented Reality created by and for Citizens”, with funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology (ref.ª PTDC/CED-EDG/ 0197/2021), from 2022 to 2024. Four research units collaborate in this project: CIDTFF, CESAM, DigiMedia and IEETA from the University of Aveiro.