Ecolint APP
We prepare students for membership of communities that are socially and culturally diverse, for citizenship, and for engagement with the political, ethical and environmental challenges of their times. We expect them to want to take an active part in making their world a better place and one that is based on the mutual understanding, respect and shared values to which the school has been committed throughout its long history.
The International School of Geneva serves both the international and local communities of the Geneva area. We are committed to preparing students to live in a multilingual and multicultural world and, as a bilingual Foundation, to developing their fluency in both English and French.
The school exists for the sake of its students and is committed to a continual re-evaluation of their needs in the light of social, economic and cultural change. The school strives continually to promote excellence in all aspects of its provision, to do better than its previous best, and to model the values that it encourages in its students.