The Scouts helps children, parents and family learn about nature and climate change. Learn what we can do before it's too late creating an organization to teach, share, and create opportunities for everyone. The next generation needs to learn at a young age how important it is to be guardians of the environment. People from rural sometimes take nature for granted while people from city and suburban areas have very little connections with it. Scouting is a perfect way to inspire young minds. We will be organizing local chapters and are looking for scout leaders to start local events.
We have become such a divided world we need positive things that people can do to make change. Our goal is to create a non political organization not into demonstrations but doing things and going places. Now that clean energy is cheaper and the need for a sift in the way that people live is needed, We need people more focused on being part of the change. There are many opportunities and new occupations that are being created to meet the demand to create a greener planet. Children need to know and be apart of them.