eco-link ᵉᵛᵒ APP
eco-link ᵉᵛᵒ for Android has been specifically designed to retrieve data on all kinds of counting systems in the Eco-Counter ᴱᵛᵒ® range from a simple smartphone.
We're excited to offer this new app.
Please feel free to share with us your feedback or any improvement suggestions you may have.
Easy to use and intuitive, eco-link ᵉᵛᵒ allows among other things to:
- Initialize counters of the ᵉᵛᵒ range
- Display count data in real time
- Retrieve data from a counter initialization or from a desired date
- Send data to Eco-Visio (diagnostics, count data, modem status, photos)
- Perform tests and diagnostics
- Update firmware versions
- Adjust the sensors settings
- Take photos of the counting sites (displayed in Eco-Visio)
- Set the time of a counter