eCivis APP
The purpose of the application is to provide optimized access for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.
The application presents a menu with the following functions:
- profile
- users (following the key concept of the eCivis Solutions suite of the family unit, access to the app allows you to view all the users subscribed to the different services of the family unit)
- news
- documents
- personal communications
- accounting status
* services on consumption
* documents issued
- meal reservation (where activated in the Municipality to which they belong, it allows the parent to manage the presence of the children at the canteen, according to the calendar of lunchtime shifts)
The app allows you to view the data of the municipality and to select the display language (Italian or English)
Note: the eCivis app is developed and made available to the Entity by Project S.r.l .; the data of the members, the administrative data and any other content are owned by the Municipality to which the citizen has registered for the school services; the correctness and management of such data are the responsibility of the Municipality that owns the data, or, as the case may be, the Company that manages the service by concession; Project is solely responsible for the processing of data and their security, but in no way enters into the correctness and / or management of the same. For any information in this regard, please refer to the Municipality of belonging.