eBenefit APP
LippoInsurance selalu menjamin kemudahan layanan asuransi Anda dengan eBenefit. Semua bisa melalui Handphone. Dengan aplikasi eBenefit, nasabah Medicare dapat mengakses fitur/informasi berikut:
1.Transaksi Cashless & Cardless
2.Prosedur e-Claim
3.Cek riwayat dan status klaim
4.Live Chat 24/7
5.Daftar rumah sakit rekanan
6.Manfaat dan limit Medicare
7.Buku panduan dan video sosialisasi
8.Informasi promo
9.Health Corner
LippoInsurance ensures the simplicity of accessing your insurance services with eBenefit. All is accessible from your mobile phone. Medicare customers can access the following features on eBenefit app:
1.Cashless & Cardless transaction
2.e-Claim procedure
3.Check your claim status and history
4.Live Chat 24/7
5.Hospital partner list
6.Medicare limit and benefit
7.Handbook and instructional videos
9.Health Corner