Eazy Car Care APP
At the same time, we provide flexibility to the users to get the car cleaned/ washed at the best prices 💰 at their preferred time and even reschedule the weekly day off as per their convenience and not rely on your car cleaning person.
We at Eazy Car Care have a team of trained professionals equipped with best-in-class car cleaning equipment who will come daily to your selected location to give your car the optimal wash and cleaning experience it deserves.
🥇Our Offering- 4 weeks plan🥇
🚩 Wet Wash- 4 exterior shampoo wash and internal vacuum cleaning (once a week)
🚩 Day Off- 4 holidays (once a week)
🚩 Dry Wash- 20 regular exterior car cleaning (5 times a week)
🥇Our Equipment🥇
🚩 Microfiber cloth for scratch less & spotless cleaning
🚩 Best in class car shampoo for enhanced paint shine
🚩 High Suction Vacuum cleaner for a dust-free interior
🚩 Silicon based exterior polish for maintaining an everlasting shine
🚩 Customers to provide water for cleaning
🚩 Customers to allow access to 12V car power outlet for interior vacuum cleaning
🚩 Customers are requested not to keep any valuables in the car at the time of interior cleaning
🥇Additional Flexible Offering🥇
🚩 Damage protection up to Rs. 5000💸
🚩 Users can change service type/ service timing a day before the service date (before 11:59 PM)
🚩 Advanced cancellation of service before 11:59 PM will be credited as a coin which can be redeemed during the next payment
🚩 One time service option for availing additional Wet Wash at a nominal rate on your preferred time
🥇Why Choose Eazy Car Care?🥇
🚩 Flexible cleaning hours
🚩 Best Prices offered, even better than your local car cleaning person
🚩 Multiple Payment Options
🚩 Refer to earn huge discounts on your next monthly plan
🚩 Get additional one-time car wash at your preferred time at affordable prices
🤝Contact Us at-
📧 eazyservs@gmail.com