Convenient and smart calculator that provides many additional functions

Latest Version

Apr 7, 2020
Google Play ID

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Easy Calculator APP

★ For users who only use the calculator function It is an app developed for the calculator by extracting the simple calculator and the general purpose calculator of the integrated calculator.

★ It is a convenient and smart calculator with built-in function that can prevent user's mistakes as much as possible.

- Easy calculator function -

1) General purpose calculator: arithmetic operation, non-percentage trigonometric function calculation

2) Simple calculator: arithmetic operation, percent

3) Provide history management and permanent storage function

4) Memory storage and selection function (M +, M-, MR, MC, MM)

5) Undo and redo function

6) Supports 7 different calculator themes

7) Calculator button sound and font change function

★ The app will be shown at the top of the ad.
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