E-velobleu shared bikes in Nice APP
E-Vélobleu, it’s FAST
Register in just few clicks to take full advantage of e-Vélobleu.
E-Vélobleu, it’s SIMPLE
Find, hire and return your E-Vélobleu using your mobile app.
E-Vélobleu, it’s VALUE FOR MONEY
To register, it’s just €40 for a year, or only €10 if you are already a Velobleu, Lignes d’Azur or TER subscriber! (bus and coaches’ network)
With E-Vélobleu, you are FREE
With E-Vélobleu, you can use the bike as much as you want!
For the new e-Vélobleu service, we have chosen electric bikes which will offer you 100% driving pleasure thanks to its comfort, autonomy, size and design.
> Autonomy 60 km
> 100% electric
> USB charging socket and smartphone holder
> integrated padlock