E-Tadweer Misr APP
We provide Drop Off points at our partners locations for our customers to drop off there e-waste and as a reward we INSTANT REWARDING our app users with e-vouchers provided by our partners.
The Process is easy 4 steps:
- 1) Download the Application
- 2) Upload the Photo of your E-waste that you intend to recycle
- 3) Select the partner you want to drop off your e-waste at and obtain your voucher. - - 4) Proceed to Drop Off and activate your e-voucher.
Etadweer is the most reliable method and the only one regulated to guarantee that your devices are properly recycled! It contains over eight drop of stations as a start.
In our first phase of launching we are collecting only small & medium items. However, you will be able to recycle your large household devices soon!