e-Sakhi APP
Through the program, the Girl power of the state shall be going to the next level. It is an opportunity for young girls of the age group 18-35 to become a patron to the journey of Rajasthan. 1,50,000 eSakhis shall be selected through an open competitive process who will ensure making every Rajasthani digitally literate.
E-Sakhi application has now integrated many additional features to display the performance of e-Sakhis along with their trainees. Here is a list of all the new features:
- Personal dashboard of e-Sakhi displaying information of trainees, rank of e-Sakhis at different levels, coins earned by e-Sakhis etc.
- Option to add new trainee under her batch
- Activity Section that allows the download of various government applications
- Option to create separate groups of trainees to ensure effective communication with them
- Notification section to receive the latest news and updates from Government
- The rank of e-Sakhi depends on the number of activities done by her using the application